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Weed Abatement Standard


Fresno County ORDINANCE 8.32.02 identifies areas of Fire Hazards as that area covered by weeds or growing on any property, street, sidewalk, or on any private property. A Fire Hazard constitutes a threat to real property (ex. structures, barns, sheds, out buildings, fences) and not just capable of burning.

Area five (5) acres or less:

1. All property shall be cleared of all dry grass, weeds, rubbish, trash, litter, tires, tree stumps, and other waste material or any flammable material. This includes along property lines/boundaries and along roadways.

2. All Tumble weeds shall be removed.

3. Vacant property shall be completely disced or mowed to a height of less than four (4) inches.

Areas larger than five (5) acres:

1. Property must have a thirty (30) foot clearance between the property line/fence line and the vegetation area. The property will also be crisscrossed with thirty (30) foot clearance lanes leaving sections of no more than five (5) acres. This clearance is usually completed by discing.

2. A thirty (30) foot clearance shall be maintained around any structure.

Photovoltaic Solar Panels:

1. A clear, brush free area of ten (10) feet (30 feet in the SRA) shall be required around ground mounted photovoltaic arrays. This area shall also be cleared of all dry grass, weeds, rubbish, trash, litter, tires, tree stumps, and other waste material, or any flammable materials.

2. Areas within the solar array must be maintained free of flammable material, annual vegetation must be maintained at a height of less than (4) inches.

NOTE: Fenced pastureland, with grazing animals on property, will be allowed a variance.

The quality of abatement work will be judged by representatives of the Fresno County Fire Protection District. A list of discers is provided below. They are not to be construed as an endorsement by the Fire District.

If the property is deemed a Fire Hazard, a Notice of Fire Hazard will be mailed to the property owner. The property owner will have ten (10) days to abate the Fire Hazard. If the Fire Hazard has not been abated by the end of the ten (10) day notice, the Fire District will dispatch a Fire Prevention Officer and a citation will be issued.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your closest Fresno County Fire District Station, or email the Weed Abatement Coordinator at


 1700 Jensen Avenue Ste. 103 Sanger, California 93657 Telephone: (559) 319-0400


A list of discers is avialable by clicking the link below.

Discers list 2024.docx

Here is a fire safety notice for weed abatement. 

Fire Safety Notice- Weed Abatement .pdf



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