Fleet Services

Del Rey Shop

The evolution of vehicle repair and maintenance has seen many changes since the establishment of both the Unit and the Fire Districts. Today, our Fleet Services division provides a wide range of services for our department, and surrounding cooperators. From custom fabrication, graphic design/installation, general repair and maintenance and everything in between. We have become a one stop shop for the many departments in the area. To accomplish this the shop employs a FEM, a Staff Service Analyst who serves as the Office Manager, an Equipment and Parts Manager, a Graphic Artist, 2 Schedule A Mechanics (HEM), 1 Schedule B HEM, 1 HEM who works at both the shop and Miramonte Conservation Camp, and 1 Schedule C HEM. The shop utilizes a total of 5 service vehicles to perform repairs and maintenance throughout the Unit, and to deploy to emergency incidents throughout the state.
The Fleet Services division does more than just repair our vehicles, from towing and transporting out of service vehicles, to dropping off refuge bins wherever needed, we have worked tirelessly to expand our suite of services.

Del Rey Shop
9700 E. American Ave.
Del Rey, CA 93616