Public Education

Stacey Nolan, Fire Prevention Specialist II
The Fresno County Fire Protection District is committed to providing quality fire and life safety education to reduce this high number of fatalities and injuries nationwide related to fires.
Every 24 seconds, a fire department in the United States responds to a fire somewhere in the Nation. A fire occurs in a structure at the rate of one every 63 seconds and a home fire occurs every 88 seconds.
Home fires were responsible for 10,600 civilian injuries or 72% of all civilian injuries, in 2017.
U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 172,100 home structure fires per year started by cooking activities in 2012-2016, or on average of 471 home cooking fires per day. These fires caused an average of 530 civilian deaths, 5,270 reported civilian fire injures and $1.1 billion in direct property damage per year.
Fresno County Fire Protection District believes a proactive approach in fire prevention education is the best way to reduce fatalities and injuries. Through various outreach programs, our Public Education Team and firefighters throughout the Fire District educate thousands of children and adults each year on how to keep their home and business safe from fire. Our Public Education personnel are trained to provide information on a broad range of topics, from teaching pre-school students about “911” to assisting senior citizens in how to recognize and eliminate hazards in their home.
Fresno County Fire Protection District encourages you to stop by any of our public safety fairs or events we attend and get to know your local firefighters.
Click the links below for additional information.