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Fire Prevention

May contain: adult, male, man, person, captain, officer, police officer, accessories, formal wear, and tie

Battalion Chief Shannan Harris



The Fire Prevention Bureau areas of responsibilities contain: Law Enforcement, Fire Investigations, Custodian of Records, CAL FIRE and Fresno County Fire Protection District (FCFPD) Civil Cost Recovery and Hazard Reduction Inspections. The Fire Prevention Bureau is responsible for enforcing criminal and civil law, maintaining District confidential records as well as Hazard  Reduction Inspections.

On a yearly average, our Law Enforcement Officers conducted 260-320 Fire Investigations and 120-160  other Law Enforcement actions. This includes ln Custody arrest, warrant arrest, search warrants in the Fire District and State Responsibility Area; On average Our Officers make 12 Felony and 5 misdemeanor arrest per year. The bureau also handles approximately 20 criminal case subpoenas and 15 subpoenas for records per year.

The Fire Prevention Bureau handles all Public Records Request (PRA). On Average the Bureau handles 150 Fire District and 20 SRA Public Records Request.

The Fire Prevention Bureau conducts the final review process for all fire reports within the Fresno-Kings Unit, which equates to approximately 1500 reports annually.

All officers are certified Fire investigators and are part of a County wide Fire Integrator Strike Team (FIST) this incorporates six different Fire Agencies. Our officers are also the Fire investigators for California State Fire Marshalls Offices. Any agency within Fresno County can request a fire investigator from the California State Fire Marshalls Offices, and one of our staff will respond. This is a rare occasion and only happens two to three times per year.

The Fire Prevention Bureau primary responsibility is to enforce local and State fire laws.  All the officers are Certified State Peace Officers and also enforce all other laws. Officers are very proactive patrolling and assisting other Law Enforcement Agencies. 



Additional Resources


FCFPD Incident Request (Updated)
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