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Fresno Kings Unit Battalion 11

A uniformed fire department officer stands smiling in front of American and fire department flags.

Amber Storey, Battalion Chief


Battalion 11 is located the northeast side of the Fresno Kings Unit from the rural edges of Fresno and Clovis to the foothills of the Sierra below Shaver Lake and includes the San Joaquin River drainage above and below Millerton Dam & Millerton Lake State Recreation Area.

CAL FIRE and Fresno County Fire Protection District Fire stations in Battalion 11 serve Friant, Millerton State Recreation Area, Table Mountain Rancheria, Prather, Auberry, Big Sandy Rancheria and the un-incorporated areas in the north-eastern foothills of Fresno County.

Interesting Battalion history

McKenzie Fire Camp:  The first “fire camp” in Fresno County was established along the old SJ&E railroad line between Millerton and Hurley on property now owned by the Sierra Conservancy at the McKenzie Table Mountain Preserve. It was opened in the early 1930’s and remained in service until 1948 when the Hurley Fire Station was opened.

Copper Peak Lookout: Located on Owens Mountain above the east end of rural Clovis and closed in 1980. It burned down in 1985.


Image of CAL FIRE Millerton Fire Station Front Office, Historic Building, Used Millerton Bricks to create it

CAL FIRE Millerton Station

4091 E. Millerton Road

Friant, CA  93626



 CAL FIRE Millerton Station / FCFPD Station 72

The “Fort Millerton” Station was originally built in the late 1920’s / early 1930’s across from the Millerton Dam. A new station was built in in the 1950’s and constructed with “Millerton Brick”.  The historic “Millerton Brick” was manufactured on station grounds in the 1950’s and used in numerous CDF buildings.

The current station is staffed by Engine 72, Engine 4361 and Ladder 72 through a cooperative agreement with the Table Mountain Rancheria.


Image of CAL FIRE Hurley Fire Station Barracks and asphalt parking lot



CAL FIRE Hurley Station

25627 Auberry Road

Clovis, CA  93619


Image of CAL FIRE Hurley Fire Station Front Office, Historic Building










CAL FIRE Hurley Station

The original Hurley Fire Station was built on property owned by John Hurley, who was a county fire warden in 1948.  The station was upgraded with a new barracks, kitchen and day room in the 1990’s.

Hurley is staffed by Engine 4371 and Engine 4381. Engine 4381 was added to the station in 2019 and is one of the new “year-round” staffed engines, staffed with firefighter II’s.

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