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Fresno County Fire Battalion 71

A man in a firefighter uniform with badges in front of US and California flags.

Brandon Markle, Battalion Chief



Battalion 71 is located in the metropolitan area of Fresno in the heart of the Central Valley. It is comprised of 4 fire stations, which include Station's 85, 86, 87 and 89. There are 35 personnel assigned to Battalion 71 including the Battalion Chief, Brandon Markle. Battalion 71 coverage and response areas range from heavy commercial/industrial areas in south Fresno, to dense residential areas of Clovis to more rural areas around Easton and north or east of Clovis. There are three major State highways, HWY 99, HWY 41, and HWY 168, as well as two major railways, BNSF and Union Pacific, that allow people and commerce to travel through the Battalion every day. Battalion 71 includes the following communities: Easton, Malaga, Calwa, Tarpey, Quail Lakes, Academy, Polo Ranch.


Fresno County Fire Station 85 with grass, plants, Fire truck, and flag pole with American Flag

Station 85

North Clovis Station #85

1392 Nees Ave.

Clovis, CA  93611



fire trucks in front of fire station

Station 86

Clovis Lakes Station #86

4925 N. Nelson

Clovis, CA  93619



fire trucks in front of fire station

Station 87

South Fresno Station #87

4706 E. Drummond

Fresno, CA  93727



Station 89

Fresno County Fire Station 89 with grass, plants, Fire truck

Easton Station 89

5810 S. Cherry

Fresno, CA 93706


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